7 Digital Marketing Strategies for your business: Here is what you Should Know

Digital marketing is vital in today’s digital world. It is one of the finest strategies to build your business, regardless of sector or company size. However, to grow your business and income, you must have the greatest digital marketing methods on your side.

Digital Marketing Strategy

A digital marketing strategy is a plan that specifies how your company will achieve its marketing objectives using online channels such as search engines and social media. Most strategy plans will describe the online channels and digital marketing methods you will employ, as well as how much money you will invest in these channels and tactics.

A social media campaign that involves collaborations with influencers, a content marketing plan that uses online guides to generate leads, or a growth marketing strategy that leverages social media and emails to cultivate customer loyalty are all examples of digital marketing techniques.

Why do you need a digital marketing strategy?

It is essential to have a digital marketing plan. If you work with an experienced full-service digital marketing firm like Streamline Consultancy, you can be confident that one of our first tasks will be to develop a sensible and competitive plan for your company.

Without an Internet marketing strategy, your company has a road map to accomplishing its goals, objectives, and important results. You know what you want to achieve, but you’re not sure how. This frequently results in the initiation of a digital marketing campaign that yields no results.

If you want to invest in digital marketing, you must first develop a digital marketing strategy.

Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing

Developing a Digital Marketing Strategy

Your organization may establish its first online marketing plan by following these seven steps. Consider internet marketing services, such as those provided by Streamline Consultancy, if you need assistance developing your online marketing strategy (or want to develop the finest one possible).

Define your brand: Create or apply brand guidelines to describe your brand and how it will appear in your online advertising. Consider your unique selling propositions (USPs), brand voice, and value proposition.

Create customer profile: Determine who your company wants to reach out to with personalized buyer personas. Consider user demographics as well as the reasons why consumers pick your organization, goods, and services.

Set S.M.A.R.T. objectives: To guide your plan, set specified, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely goals (also known as S.M.A.R.T. goals). Consider your organization’s short- and long-term growth objectives.

Select your digital marketing techniques carefully: Choose the finest strategy for your company. Focus on approaches that add the most value to your company and sector, rather than current strategies.

Set a budget for digital marketing: Investigate digital marketing prices to create a reasonable budget for your company. For comparison, typical firms spend between $2500 and $12,000 per month on web marketing.

Plan out your strategy: By designing your strategy, you can guide it to success. Determine your ad expenditure if you’re advertising. Create a content calendar if you’re going to be producing material.

Launch your campaigns: After planning, launch your campaigns across many platforms. Ensure that all of your channels have the necessary tracking information. Your Google Analytics tracking code, for example, should be visible on your website.

7 Digital Marketing Strategies for your business

7 Digital Marketing Strategies


SEO is the practice of optimizing your website so that it ranks high in search engine results for relevant keywords and phrases. The more keywords you rank for — and the higher you rank — the more people will notice your website and become associated with it.

Only 25% of searchers get to the second page of search results.

When a person searches on Google, they seldom go beyond the first page of results. Why? They frequently discover what they’re looking for, therefore your company must appear on the first page of search results.

Approximately 75% of searchers click on the first result.

With so many people obtaining their answers on the first page of search results, it’s evident that ranking on the second page is impossible. Even if you have what people want, you’re concealed from their eyes – out of sight, out of memory.

That is why a strong SEO strategy, as well as our top digital marketing agency, are critical. You may attract more potential clients and generate more cash by including our results-driven SEO services in your online marketing plan.

Do you want to incorporate SEO into your digital marketing strategy? Our SEO Company can assist you!


Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, is a type of paid advertising that uses an auction-based approach.

With PPC, you bid on keywords for which you want your advertising to appear – your ad appears when a person searches for your term. These advertisements are then shown at the top of search results, above organic listings. If a user clicks on your advertisement, you must pay for that click.

In other words, you pay for outcomes rather than ad space.

PPC attempts to attract searchers who have transactional inquiries, indicating that they are ready to purchase your items or services. When people click on your ad, they’ll be taken to your landing page, where they’ll see a call-to-action (CTA) to convert, whether by purchasing a product, signing up for an email subscription, or doing another action.

For every $1 spent on Google Ads, businesses gain $8.

With over 60,000 searches per second — or more than two trillion searches per year — Google is a go-to platform for PPC advertisements. That is why many businesses invest their PPC money in Google Ads, which has a high ROI.

If you opt to promote on another site, the average return on investment is $2 for every $1 spent.

Users who click on advertisements are 60% more likely to purchase a product.

Given that PPC advertising target phrases with transactional intent, it’s not unexpected that many people buy a product or service. It is, however, a truth that highlights why PPC is such an important component of an overall Internet marketing plan.

Even if your firm already has a strong presence in search results — for example, on page one for many high-value keywords – PPC may help you improve your conversions even further. As a result, PPC and SEO frequently collaborate to reach your digital marketing objectives.

Content Marketing

Your company’s content marketing strategy focuses on reaching, engaging, and connecting with customers through content. Users benefit from this material, which might include videos, blog entries, infographics, and more. It is not, however, sales text; rather, it is informational.

For example, if you own a company that offers organic products and healthy food, you may create an essay on what a person requires for an adapted healthy lifestyle. You may also create articles about how to plan an organic lifestyle and which items can aid enhance metabolic performance.

You target certain keywords with these discrete pieces of content.

As a digital media strategy, the overarching purpose of content marketing is to deliver meaningful material to your target audience, boost traffic, and produce conversions. Technically, content marketing focuses on optimizing your content for search engines to increase your presence in search results.

It produces 58% more leads than traditional marketing.

Content marketing is a long-term, continuous approach with a high return on investment. This ROI comprises new leads and clients for your company as well as higher conversion rates. Content marketing achieves these effects by addressing each step of the purchasing funnel.

More than 65% of users prefer businesses that produce content.

Users have a lot of influence in today’s internet economy. They have the option of reading or ignoring your company’s messages, whether promotional or informative. Many people, however, respond positively to instructional material from businesses, which is why content marketing is so important now.

Do you want to incorporate content marketing into your digital marketing strategy?

Increase your revenue by partnering with our full-service digital marketing firm. Contact us online to speak with our staff and begin developing your unique plan!

Email Marketing

Email marketing focuses on both maintaining current consumers and acquiring new ones. It’s a great way to raise brand recognition, keep your company top-of-mind, and encourage repeat purchases.

Developing and improving your campaigns, as well as expanding your audience, are essential components of email marketing. Email marketing, like content marketing, relies on providing consumers with useful information; otherwise, people will unsubscribe.

While these people may not require your services or goods right now, they will remember your brand when the time comes to make a purchase. That brand recognition encourages customers to pick your firm when the time comes to buy.

One advantage of this method is the ability to segment your audience and tailor your email messages. Targeting example, you might develop a campaign for consumers who purchased a specific product or visited a specific homepage.

The primary goal of email marketing as a digital marketing campaign is to stay in the minds of potential consumers while also providing current clients with useful information, such as relevant industry news, and tailored content, such as product coupons, to keep them coming back.

The average return on investment is $40 for every $1 invested.

Email marketing provides an unrivaled return on investment, with an average ROI of 4400 percent. Its strong ROI highlights the potential of this Internet marketing method for generating income, brand exposure, and customer retention rates.

It also demonstrates that people enjoy receiving emails. More than 60%, for example, like weekly promotional mailings.

Produces 55% more revenue than conventional lead generation methods

Email marketing is a go-to internet marketing method for firms looking to create more leads and income. Additional procedures, such as audience segmentation, email design, and personalization, can improve the effectiveness of email marketing.

Smart segmentation, for example, may boost your income by up to 760 percent.

Are you considering making email marketing one of your key digital marketing strategies? Please contact us right away.

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing focuses on growing brand recognition and conversions. Depending on your target demographic and their platform preferences, a social media marketing strategy may include one or several social media sites.

The primary purpose of social media marketing is to raise brand recognition and conversions while also establishing and maintaining your company’s reputation. As a result, social media marketing focuses on providing informative and promotional material, as well as communicating with people across several channels.

Social Media Platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.

More than 70 % of customers seek customer care via social media.

Social media is used for more than just sharing material with friends and family. They also use it to communicate with businesses, whether to highlight a pleasant buying experience or to request assistance from a firm.

If you are inactive on social media, people have few choices for reaching your company. Customer inconvenience can lead to low client retention, which has a direct influence on your sales. That is why maintaining an active social media presence is critical.

More than 85% of buyers use social media to make purchasing decisions.

Word-of-mouth recommendations are significant in every field — and today, social media acts as a channel for digital word-of-mouth recommendations. If you are idle on social media, you are excluding your company from these discussions.

As a result, customers may neglect your organization. If you have an inactive Facebook profile, for example, this might send a poor trust signal to people, especially if you have no reviews or less-than-stellar remarks from previous customers. You can alter it with social media marketing.

Voice SEO

Your organization improves existing and new website content for voice search using voice search optimization. The goal is to have your website highlighted snippet or position zero in Google search results.

The highlighted snippet is used by voice assistants ranging from Siri to Amazon Echo to react to voice queries. As a result, if a user inquires, “How do I clean a stinking dishwasher?” The highlighted excerpt, which you can see below, would be returned by Amazon Echo or Siri.

Speech search optimization is vital since search queries change when using voice versus text. If you’re a local business, this technique is even more important, because many people use their mobile devices — and voice search — to discover a restaurant, hairdresser, or hardware shop nearby.

The purpose of voice search optimization is to achieve a featured snippet for keywords that are relevant to your target audience and business. By ranking for position zero, your business boosts its online visibility to customers, which may lead to shop visits, product purchases, and other activities.

Why should you employ voice search optimization as part of your digital marketing strategy?

Voice search is becoming a new — and popular — way to search as more people purchase smartphones and voice-activated devices. As a consequence, it’s one of the most recent digital marketing methods for businesses to implement.

Almost half of all Americans use voice search every day.

Analysts predict that this percentage will become even higher in the next years. As a result, early adopters of voice search optimization will reap the most benefits: their websites will already rank for highlighted snippets, resulting in increased traffic from customers in your target market.

More than half of voice-activated speaker owners desire promotional brand material. Consumers, like email, want promotional brand content. They want to know about your deals and new items, which is why investing in voice search optimization now will help your business later, when speech-activated devices give enterprises these promotional choices.

Video Marketing

Your company’s reach, income, and operations all rise as a result of video marketing. Your company, like content marketing and email marketing, relies on generating informative and valuable films for its target audience.

The goal of video marketing is to increase brand exposure, conversion rates, and corporate income. It achieves these objectives by providing users with valuable, high-quality information. Like voice search optimization, this method appeals to current user behaviors.

Adults, for example, might spend up to five hours every day viewing films. Not to mention that watching a video, whether it’s a product introduction, in-depth how-to, or laid-back behind-the-scenes film, improves brand recognition by about 140 percent.

Approximately 88% of users attribute purchase choices to video.

Your videos, like content marketing, have the potential to impact user purchases. For example, a how-to video might persuade viewers that your product is the greatest fit for their business or lifestyle. If your firm engages in influencer marketing, a video from an influencer can encourage users to pick you.

Pages that include video are 58 times more likely to appear on the first page of search results.

It is crucial to have a high position in search results, which is why you must increase the optimization of your sites. With videos to supplement your content, you may improve your ranking for competitive keywords, resulting in more valuable visitors and leads for your company.

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